purpose is to encourage safe yachting, promote the sport of
sailing, cruising, yacht racing, good sportsmanship, and provide
camaraderie and good fellowship to all of our members.
In 1980, Eastern Shore Yacht Club was the only yacht club at Great Oak Landing. Eastern Shore was a long established, traditional club. A group of younger boaters, mostly sailors and many already members of ESYC had an inclination towards forming a less formal group with more emphasis on activities and boating. At a dinner dance in December of 1980, several of these folks got together, notwithstanding the stimulus of a few martinis and decided to form a new yacht club to be named Great Oak Yacht Club. To formalize this conception, they affixed their names to one of GOL's cloth dinner napkins. It is unfortunate that this napkin, which was later framed and fortunately photographed, has been lost. The following were elected to office at the first meeting:
Commodore - Bob Ziegler
Vice Commodore - Derrick Tuck
Secretary - Ruth Clements
Treasurer - Bob Clements
These folks, with the assistance of some of the early "charter" members, put together a set of By-Laws, went through the incorporation procedures, formed various committees, etc. In short they did a colossal amount of work in a very short period of time.
Our membership in 1981, our first operating year, was about 80 boats. Our first flag raising was on May 23, 1981. During that year there were several cruises, a square dance, golf tournaments, sailboat races, a field day, beach party, Monte Carlo night and several BYOB parties. Our Christmas party was held at the Philadelphia Country Club.
Our second year was difficult. The initial enthusiasm declined and the degree of activities the previous year, provoked membership apathy. However, under the very persistent and capable leadership of Commodore Derrick A.C.Tuck, we survived. The offices of Rear Commodore and Fleet Captain were established. There was also an increase in the number of Directors. Our assets were minimal, barely covering the printing of the roster and various activities.
During the succeeding years, membership fluctuated but hovered around 80-90 boats. The expansion of the marina, plus a most active and aggressive membership chairperson at the time, Nancy Clewell, presented opportunities for our club to grow to one of the largest and best yacht clubs on the Chesapeake Bay.
Since then, GOYC has maintained a roster between 100 and 120 families every year. We were one of the few clubs that offered combined cruises for both power and sail. Our activities are geared towards families, with a strong emphasis on our junior members. We actively promote safe boating and have offered the US Coast Guard Safe Boating course to our junior members over the past ten years. Our Bridge, Board of Directors and Committee people are all volunteers, and we are constantly looking for new "blood". Not only does this help GOYC, it allows our new and old members alike to really get to know one another.

Safe Harbor Great Oak Landing Marina has been home to Great Oak Yacht Club since 1980. As a slip holder, the Officers and Directors of GOYC would like to cordially extend to you and your family an invitation to become members of our Yacht Club. Your membership entitles you to participate in numerous superbly organized activities. A typical yacht club schedule usually includes the following events:
- Opening Day Festivities including flag raising ceremony, food and refreshments
- Opening weekend beach party to welcome visiting yacht clubs
- Rubber Duck Races
- Dinghy Poker Run
- Pirate Day
- Beach Parties
- Dock parties hosted by each dock with refreshments provided
- Cruises organized by our Fleet Captains
- Golf Tournaments with prizes and refreshments
- Fun Sailing Events
- Boaters Flea Market
- Vice Commodore’s Party featuring food, refreshments and 50-50 raffle
- Change of Watch/Winter Commodore’s Ball
- Lots of opportunities to showcase your special talents and abilities through volunteerism
- A Roster Book with complete list of the year’s events and member information
- Yacht Club Facebook page to keep you informed of our activities and events
Member only discounts (Must present membership card)
$15 membership dues
10% towing
Group ID: GA81785Y
- Safe Harbor Discounts are for *SLIPHOLDERS ONLY*
Check with the main office for free dockage at other Safe Harbor Marinas and fuel discounts. You need to ask for a Black Card.
Visit the list of all Roster Ad Advertisers |
As you can see, your membership includes activities and events for all members of the family. Membership in Great Oak Yacht Club is a perfect way to enhance your family’s boating experience while at Safe Harbor Great Oak Landing Marina and Resort. All of our membership dues go back to the members in the form of memorable and friendship filled activities. Please take a moment to consider membership in this very worthwhile organization. And as always, please boat safely!