Boating season is almost here . It’s time to put our Roster Book together. It is a GOYC tradition! We all use it for fast information about members and activities.
We need the help of all members and local businesses to offset the cost of our Roster Book.
If you would purchase a business card size ad, i.e., a picture of your kids or grandkids, promote your favorite charity, wish the commodore and her bridge the best for 2024 or solicit an ad from a business you patronize like a restaurant, boat store, or advertise businesses in PA/NJ (most members are from PA/NJ), it would go a long way to help with the cost of the Roster Book.
Additionally, if you know any businesses that would be willing to buy ads, let us know.
To see the 2023 Roster, click here: Roster
The Club appreciates the support of its sponsors, and subject to a minimum half page advertisement, a copy of our membership/mailing list will be supplied FREE upon request.
There are two options for payment.
Option1 (preferred):
1. Click on button to pay for Ad. The form will ask for image to upload. This image can be changed or modified at a later date.
Option 2:
1. Download 2024 Roster Ad Agreement here
2. Fill out and choose ad size.
3. Print out and send with physical check (payable to GOYC) to the address below.
Andy Kosiak - 3830 Honey Locust Drive - Phoenixville, PA 19460 - Phone: 260/ 450-4783
4. Send electronic version of ad (jpg, gif, pdf) to
April Osterstock
Advertising Coordinator, Secretary
Phone (484) 358-3858
Deadline for advertisement is April 20, 2024