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Great Oak Yacht Club
Chesapeake Bay, Fairlee Creek, Maryland
Latitude: 39.2671 Longitude: -76.2041
HomeEventsWounded Warriors - Day on the Bay

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Wounded Warriors - Day on the Bay

This is the second year that Great Oak Yacht Club is sending a fleet of yachts to this event. We have the great honor of meeting with and taking veterans and their families on a cruise around the Baltimore Harbor, and sharing in the festivities at the Maryland Yacht Club. 

This event fills up quickly with volunteers. Therefore, an early registration is necessary.  Let Te'resa Decker know that your slip is confirmed as well.  

Dockage at Maryland Yacht Club is free.  USE DOCKWA TO BOOK YOUR SLIP.  WW2024 is the code in Dockwa to book at Maryland Yacht Club.

As they have the last two years, MYC will host a patio Captains Reception on Friday night, 8/16 with food truck, bar, and a band. The pool stays open until 8PM. Since most skippers arrive Friday, might as well make a party out of it, right?    
See you there.

Friday, August 16, 2024, 12:00 PM until Sunday, August 18, 2024, 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)
Maryland Yacht Club
1500 Fairview Beach Road
Pasadena, MD  21122

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Te'resa Decker
Fleet Captain - Event Coordinator
April L Osterstock
Website Issues
484-358-3858 (c)
Registration is required
Payment In Full At Event Only
Cancellation Policy:
This event fills up quickly. Contact Fleet Captain Te'resa Decker if cancellation is necessary as soon as possible.
Attendees pay for their own charges